New Programmes ESPA 2014 – 2020 – Notice

New Programmes ESPA 2014 – 2020 – Notice
The programme aims to support tertiary education graduates, unemployed and self-employed to start/sustain professional activity related to their field of specialization and organize their own independent professional premises.
The beneficiaries are:
- unemployed tertiary education graduates, registered in OAED unemployed registry, at the time of application submission;
- natural persons who are tertiary education graduates, that pursue a professional activity related to their field of specialization and are not salaried employees nor receive a retirement pension.
For more information about the eligible activities click here.
Financing for:
The creation, organization, support and operation of new or existing own independent professional premises related to their field of specialization. The eligible costs are:
- Operational costs (rent for professional premises - electricity, fixed and mobile professional telephony, water supply, heating bills, expenses for hosting the company at an incubator, etc.)
- Third party expenses (legal, advisory, accounting services, business plan, incubator services, professional seminars, etc.)
- Expenses for promotion, networking and participation at exhibitions
- Office supplies
- Insurance contributions
- Wage cost for new hires up to EUR 12 000
- Fixed asset write-off
- Purchase of equipment
The beginning of expenditure eligibility is set as the financing application submission date. For more information about the expenses click here.
Basic requirements for participation:
I. Financing from earlier programme
The participant should not have received financing from other programmes from the 01.01.2012 until the submission date of the application (except for participation in co-financed programmes).
II. Type of business entities
The natural persons who at the moment of the submission of business plan are husband/wife or first or second-degree relatives to the participant are excluded. Commercial activity is also excluded.
The programme aims at the improvement of the quality of products and services or the creation of new products/services that will cover specific needs of the market. Moreover, the investment plans aim at the cost reduction or increasing the efficiency of operational and productive processes.
The beneficiaries are:
- Existing businesses belonging to 8 priority areas that maintain expense revenue and double entry accounting books and have completed two or more accounting periods or
- New businesses belonging in 8 strategic priority areas.
Funding to:
Start a business in 8 priority areas:
- Agri-food / Food Industry
- Cultural & Creative Industries (CCI)
- Materials / Constructions
- Supply Chain
- Energy
- Environment
- Information and Communication Technology ICT
- Health - Medicine etc.
For more details about the eligible activities click here
The business are financed by:
EUR 15 000 to EUR 200 000. The funding covers 40% of the eligible costs and increases by 10% up to 50% for new employees.
Eligible costs:
- Buildings, other installations and surround area, machinery – equipment;
- Protection of the environment & energy saving & water installations;
- Quality management & environment management systems development & certification;
- Patent process and protection of intellectual property in national, European and international level or transfer of know-how;
- Expenses for technical support for cooperation agreements with international joint-ventures about new markets or new products / services;
- Certification & standardization of products/services according to standards (e.g. CE);
- Wage cost (existing or/and new employees).
The costs will be eligible ONLY if incurred after the date of the calls. For more information about the costs click here.
Basic requirements of participation:
- If the company has not received financing from previous programme, the financing should not exceed EUR 200 000 in three years (including the current year and the two previous years);
- The turnover is more than EUR 15 000;
- The budget of the investment plan should not exceed the total turnover of the previous year.
The programme aims at the reinforcement of investment plans for existing very small, small and medium-sized tourist businesses regarding infrastructure modernization and operation, quality upgrading and certification of products and services in order to improve their status in national and international tourism industry.
The beneficiaries are:
- Existing & new very small, small and medium-sized tourism enterprises;
- Existing businesses that maintain expense revenue and double entry accounting books until the 31.12.2015 and have completed two or more accounting periods;
- New businesses on the 31.12.2015.
Funding to:
Start a business is eligible for the following 8 strategic priority areas:
- Agri-food / Food Industry
- Cultural & Creative Industries (CCI)
- Materials / Contractions
- Supply Chain
- Energy
- Environment
- Information and Communication Technology ICT
- Health-Medicine etc.
For more information about the eligible activities click here.
They are financed with:
EUR 15 000 to EUR 150 000 Euros. The funding covers 40% of the eligible costs and increases by 10% up to 50% for new employees.
Eligible costs:
- Buildings, installations and surround area, machinery – equipment;
- Protection of the environment, energy saving & water installations;
- Quality management & environment management systems development& certification;
- Wage cost (existing or/and new employees);
- Transport equipment, pleasure boats without crew and bicycles of any type that are considered as business equipment;
- Professional transport equipment, for mixed use, with at least nine (9) seats;
- Expenses for promotion.
The costs will be eligible ONLY if incurred after the 11.02.2016. For more information about the costs click here.
Basic requirements of participation:
- For businesses with three or more uses, it is required to hire on average at least 0.5 salaried employees (2013 – 2015);
- For businesses with two uses it is required to hire on average at least 0.5 salaried employees (2014-2015);
- If the business has been financed by previous programme must not exceed the amount of EUR 200 000 in three years (the current year and the two previous years);
- The turnover for the year 2015 is more than 15 000 €.
- The budget of the investment plan should not exceed the total turnover for the year 2015.
The electronic submission starts on 29/03/2016 and finishes on 17/05/2016.