The Action aims to subsidize SME companies to create or upgrade an e-shop in order to support their operation during the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), to avoid overcrowding indoors and to ensure continuity of their economic activity.
Beneficiaries of the Action
Medium, small and very small companies that are active in the retail sector (KAD: 47), either as a main activity, in the headquarters or in the branch, or as an activity with the highest income (for the eligible KAD click here).
To be set up by 24/06/21
To maintain a physical store, ie a commercial space that welcomes and serves customers
Their operation has been suspended for at least one day from Wednesday 18 March 2020 onwards
the existing companies to have a decrease of at least 20% in their turnover during the 4th quarter of the year 2020 in relation to the corresponding quarter of the year 2019. This criterion does not concern the newly established companies (established from 01/10/2019).
Eligible costs
For the development / upgrade and management of an online store the eligible costs of the Action are as follows:
IT Equipment (only for new online stores and up to 30% of the Budget)
Servers for hosting applications - software required to create / upgrade and operate an online store, with its accompanying components (keyboards, screen, etc.) and the required operating system. Acquisition in the form of Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) is also allowed. In the case of acquisition in the form of Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS), one year cost is eligible.
Computers (Desktop / Laptop).
Other technological equipment related to the creation / upgrade and operation of an online store (eg Network equipment, Bar code readers, printers, etc.). The cost of supplying tablets, mobile devices and televisions is not eligible.
Software (up to 100% of Budget)
E-shop e-shop design, development and management services - will operate in 2 languages, as well as in mobile environment - mobile responsive or dedicated mobile version and will integrate ordering functions (basket), warehouse (quantity of items) and secure electronic payments ( redirect in a banking environment).
Eligible cost is the purchase of software in the form of Software as a Service (SaaS) if it is necessary for the operation of the e-shop. In the case of acquisition in the form of Software as a Service (SAAS), the cost for one year is eligible.
Development and / or certification of digital security policy.
The expenses are eligible from March 18, 2020 onwards and a implementation period of six (6) months is given from the approval.
The subsidy is 100% (VAT is not an eligible expense) and
up to 5,000 euros for each company with distinct VAT,
up to 1,500 euros for an online store upgrade if the company already had it before 18/3/2020.
Electronic Submission
For the financing of this Action, the submission of an electronic application for financing is required until 09/29/2021 at 15:00, the required supporting documents can be seen here