The Action aims to support the operation of existing businesses under the COVID-19 pandemic regime, and to avoid overcrowding indoors and operating in legally used outdoor areas.
Beneficiaries are:
Businesses that must cumulatively meet the following conditions:
Be active in at least one of the following KADs and their subcategories
-56.10: Restaurant service activities and mobile catering establishments,
-56.29.20: Canteen services,
-56.30: Beverage activities
-55.10: Hotels and similar accommodation,
-55.20: Holiday accommodation and other short stay accommodation.
All KAD of the above subcategories are included, except KAD 55.20.12 (Room or accommodation unit services for guests in timeshare properties) and 55.20.19 ('Other room or accommodation unit services for guests, without daily cleaning).
There should be no grounds for exclusion of Law 4488/2017 on the imposition of fines for violations of labor law
To meet the conditions of application of Reg. 1407/2013 (De minimis)
One radiator per ten (10) square meters (sq.m.) of legally licensed outdoor space and up to 100 euros for each radiator (excluding VAT).
The maximum amount of aid that a company can receive for a restaurant is € 5,000, with a subsidy of 100% of the eligible costs (excluding VAT).
Eligible costs:
Public funding covers outdoor radiators of any type (liquefied petroleum gas, electric, natural gas, infrared, halogen or other), autonomous / individual, or mobile equipment with built-in outdoor radiators, which are / were new and used when buying them.
Supply of radiators that took place from 01.02.2020 onwards and before the submission of the funding application, is covered by the Action.
The invitation will remain open for submissions until December 31, 2021.