Electronic Registry for Waste

Electronic Registry for Waste
According to joint ministerial decision 1/1 Official Government Gazette Β’ 1/04.01.2017, the Electronic Registry for Waste is an online service provided by the Ministry of Environment & Energy that:
- includes the activities of businesses and organizations;
- supports the recording of their activities (installations, collection, transport) and the declaration of waste management and all relative licenses;
- submits a Waste Report.
It concerns businesses such as:
- hotels
- oil mills
- cheese factories
- wineries
- car services
- carpenter workshop
- printing businesses
- auto body repair
- wheel and tyre packages
- concrete plants
- quarries etc.
and businesses that produce or treat waste operating under environmental rules (see: L. 4014/2011). For an indicative and not exhausting list of the businesses that must be registered click here.
The Electronic Waste Registry has some important advantages for a complete waste management, such as:
- waste traceability;
- compliance to European and National legislation;
- recording and control of waste management process;
- transparent online processes;
- saving resources, time and administrative tasks;
- development of a healthy and competitive investment environment.
After having registered the business, the Waste Reports must be submitted every year, until the end of March of the next year. For the first year of the EWR it is required to submit electronically the waste report for years 2015 and 2016 until the 20th July 2017.
In the event of non compliance with the decision terms or the terms of the EWR, there are strict sanctions (article 30 L. 1650/1986 about urban or penal responsibility) and fines EUR 500 to EUR 2 000 000.
Our partners are at your disposal for further information and to help you with the registration of your business and the electronic submission of annual waste reports.